Can everyone have Cryotherapy?

Unfortunately, not all treatments are for everyone. If you have any of the following conditions, you will not be able to have cryotherapy.

Impaired sensation or circulation
Open wound (treatment area)
Skin Cancer (treatment area)
Hypersensitivity to cold
Recent scar tissue (treatment area)
Raynaud disease (for digit cryotherapy)
Prone to Keloid Scarring

Pre Appointment Care

Pre Appointment Care

It is vital that you do not use retinoids, exfoliating acids (AHAs, BHAs and PHAs) or physical exfoliants for at least 48 hours prior.

Do not use fake tan or gradual tanner for at least two weeks before, and avoid laser or IPL treatments for two weeks prior.

Post Appointment Care

For 48-72 hours after treatment it is important that you do not sunbathe or use other heat treatments such as sunbeds, sauna or steam. This also includes avoiding swimming, hot showers and baths.

Please avoid applying makeup, soap, perfumed products or heavy moisturisers to the treatment area. Do not touch or cleanse the area or pick at any scabs that may form.

After CryoPen treatment, it is common to experience redness, itching, swelling or blistering. This may last anywhere from a few hours to 48 hours after. You may apply aloe vera to the treatment area for the next 72 hours. 

Regardless of the weather after your appointment, please make sure to use SPF 30 on the treated area. After the session, this area may appear darker, with scabs or crusting remaining for 10-30 days after. 

Total skin healing may take up to 3 months.

Are there any side effects of the Cryopen therapy?

CryoPen Therapy is relatively low risk and side effects and complications are usually minimal. However, some side effects may occur as a result of the treatment. These may include:

Headaches: Not uncommon when freezing on the forehead, scalp and temples. Can last for 2 hours.

Pigment Changes: Both hypo (lightening of the skin and hyper (darkening of the skin) pigmentation. Can last a few months or longer.

Nerve Damage: Although rare, damage to nerves is possible especially where the nerves are close to the skin surface (fingers, wrist, behind the ear). Reports suggest that symptoms disappear after several months.

Blisters: These may appear on the treated area but usually disappear after a few hours.

Shards of Ice: The CryoPen delivers a high pressure jet of nitrous oxide. This jet can cause shards of ice to be thrown into the air to a distance of up to 30cm. They will thaw quickly and will not damage healthy skin.

Damage to hair follicles: Hair follicles are easily damaged by cryosurgery and permanent alopecia to the treated area is not uncommon.

How much does it cost?

Consultation only £25

Small lesions i.e. under 5mm £50 for one lesion including consultation
£75 for up to three lesions

Large lesions 6-10mm £65 for one lesion including consultation
£125 for up to three lesions